Over 30 Years of Experience

A Family-Owned and Operated Business Since 1995 (Multigenerational)


Walter Electric LLC

Have an electrician-related question? Walter Electric LLC has the answer. Check out these FAQs and give us a call today for more information!

  • Does Walter Electric offer virtual estimates?

    Yes, we do provide virtual estimates. Please call us today to schedule yours.

  • Are estimates free at Walter Electric?

    Yes, we offer free same-day estimates!

  • How far out is Walter Electric scheduling?

    Our schedule is flexible. We are able to schedule you within a week.

  • Does Walter Electric provide emergency services?

    Yes, we are proud to provide emergency services.

  • Is Walter Electric licensed and insured?

    Yes, we are a licensed and insured electrical contractor business.

  • Does Walter Electric offer financing?

    Yes, we offer financing to our customers. Please call us today to learn more about our financing options. 

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